Myth: search engines discriminate against small brands

Google’s search engine algorithm doesn’t care that Walmart is nearly a $500 billion company when it returns results.

It also doesn’t give weight to the fact that Microsoft has the third-highest market cap of any company in existence. It doesn’t need to. What it does know is that these companies feature well-designed websites with scores of internal and external links, high-quality content, and an established base of visitors.3

By devising an effective digital marketing strategy for consistently producing value-added content, creating a system of relevant internal links, including specific, long-tail keywords throughout your website — and utilizing other SEO best practices — you can compete in the same realm as the mega-corporations.

The principles of strong SEO are the same whether you sell $10 billion or $10,000 worth of product per year, and increasing your traffic through organic search can open numerous doors for your organization.